Journey Work

Are you open to receiving?

The Earth holds messages for you. She speaks. Are you open to receiving them?

Rooted in Earth medicine.

Spirit lives in earthen matter. Spirit dwells in mycelium. The spores of ferns hold the wisdom of Spirit. The pulse of a Luna moth wing. The mica reflecting under running water. Everything is energy & everything holds Spirit.

As an Earth Intuitive, I channel messages for individuals seeking guidance via journey work.

This place supports you. The Earth holds you. The Earth wants only that for your highest good. And sometimes that means allowing the Life/Death/Life cycle. Surrendering. Allowing. Peeling back the layers to get to the heart of your authenticity.

The Earth speaks. But you must ask yourself: Am I willing to hear Her? Am I willing to receive?

Because it will change you. For it must.


  • Journey work is a form of energy work & I act as a channel to intuitively receive messages from Spirit, the Earth, her elements, Nature itself, the ancestors, spiritual guides & helpers.

    I only channel when given explicit permission from a specific individual & I hold that honor in the highest regard. Ethically & morally, I see this as a spiritual contract & I only channel when given permission to connect energetically & I will never violate that trust.

  • Two 50 minute Sessions + Journey work

    1. A consultation session (in person or remotely) to discuss what is currently happening in your life, your healing journey, & themes coming up for you

    2. Journey work: I set aside specific time to connect energetically & channel. An audio recording will then be sent to you with what was channeled.

    3. A session (in person or remotely) scheduled approximately a week after receiving your audio recording to reflect on the messages you received, what came up for you, & come full circle

  • $525